Passing notes is super dope...sheesh.
I visited my parents at their home this past weekend. It is the home I grew up in. My parents are totally Type A kind of people(see previous post as to what the holy heck happened to me??). They are so organized that their collection of stuff kept in the garage over the past 40 plus organized. It is seriously amazing. I totes would like to protest that I didn't get at least 5% of that gene. My husband would settle for any of the laundry portion of the gene... In an attempt to reduce and further organize, my parents have been cleaning out. Each time my brother or I visit, we are sent home with a box of stuff of ours they have saved up in the ridiculously tidy attic. This past weekend I was sent off with two boxes. The most awesome thing in them...practically every note every given to me in high school. Kid One was confused by what a "note" was and why I participated in such an archaic activity. First I ha...