Getting Ma'am ed

At the grocery store, the local coffee spot, by the Principal(who is clearly older than myself)...that one little ridiculously spelled word- ma'am. I know it's supposed to have an aura of respect, but it reeks of...well...chronological order! I can feel it coming, too. "GRANDE SKINNY VANILLA LATTE!!" shouted by some pierced barista. I look around, puzzled because I am the only one waiting. 
"Guess that's me...thanks." 
wait for it...wait for it...
"Have a nice day, ma'am" 
And there it is. Thanks. Getting old sucks.


Let said…
I feel your pain Sista!

Anonymous said…
it could be worse...

i got a subscription card in the mail imploring me to subscribe to a certain magazine...

i'll paraphrase:

"dear MS. ducoty,
hello gueran! you're a REDBOOK kind of lady. subscribe today!"

what's become of us?? you're a "ma'am" and i'm on Redbook's mailing list.

Jenn said…
Gueran, that is classic! So did you subscribe? ;-) Getting old sucks.
Beauteous Bug said…
Ugh I know how you feel.. I've been called ma'am a lot lately and I'm twenty-four.

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