
Noah won a fish at his school carnival. You know those little fish that are really food for a bigger fish. Yes. Whoever is in charge and thinks it's a great idea to give a fish as a prize needs to be put in time out. First off, it's like the size of a kidney bean. Second.... It's going to die in a week. try and prepare Noah for the inevitable death of Jacko (yep. named him just like THAT) , I had the circle of life talk with him.
 I turned on my compassion voice and said, "He will only live for a short time. But what a lucky little fish to have you to love him." blah blah blah.  And without hesitation, Noah added, "Then we will make sushi out of him!"
Bring on the wasabi....


Jenn said…
That damn fish is still alive. In that SAME glass.
Go him.

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