
Showing posts from October, 2010

Monsieur Bonaparte

Dear Little(literally) Dog Who Lives Behind Me, My fruitless attempts to befriend you,have left me frustrated.  Sigh. I've tried chatting with you sweetly, through the fence, trying to stroke your little doggie ego. But, alas, you still bark at me All. Day. Long. Although you're one of those delicate little, hybrid, sweater wearing purse dogs, I'm convinced you believe your a gigantic gorilla beast. The way you attack the fence like Cujo while I'm watering the plants is impressive. Monsieur Bonaparte, I presume? You must possess Jedi powers, because when I am in   my very own house , vacuuming,  you sense this disturbance in the force.  How do I know?  You bolt out of your little doggie door and let me have it with your incessant barking...until I stop my chore.  When we swim, BBQ, play, blow bubbles, entertain guests...your barking is our back ground music.   You must have enormous self esteem to be so boisterous especially when, if so inclin...


It is Wednesday, again. This morning, during the "getting out of the house" chaos, I called out the usual reminders, "Don't forget your books, homework, wallet, phone, lunch, a water..." My very charming husband added one for me..."To pick up our son at school..." Smarty man.

Me + Chocolate= ♥

I love chocolate. Any kind of chocolate. See's Candies has something called a Rum Nougat. It's milk chocolate with bits of candied cherries, raisins, english walnuts all folded in cherry nougat. Apparently, it's totally gross to those in my house. Oh...and everyone else I know.  It's the one in the assorted box that gets the ceremonial test bite, then put back in it's little paper cup. Rejected. I LOVE IT. I call it, "my yucky chocolate". Then there's the decadent extra dark. Be still my heart. Dark chocolate is my sin. A few nibbles of 70% cacao is devine. It's dark, rich and completely worth every calorie. In between those nibbles, sips of a hearty red wine(also worth the calories). Ahhhh....yes. Okay. So... I keep this sinful bar of very dark chcolate in the pantry. Kid One and Kid Two, on a chocolate mission of their own, discover my secret stash. They eat it. I only know this, because they come to me in a panic and ask,...