The World, According To Noah

This little five year old person I live with has the world all figured out. Here are some facts, according to him:

1. Sponge Bob Square Pants is real. How does he know this? Because he is on TV.

2. When you don't have any "dollars", just go to that "machine" and it will give you some.

3. The guy in the camera department at Target will also give you "dollars".

4. His baseball trophy is gold. Real gold.

5. Hamburger comes from a ham. (FYI...a ham is not a pig. That is an entirely different animal.)

6. Candy makes you big and strong.

*will update as new facts come to light


patricia said…
You forgot number 7...
If you say to your mommy "I want green candy" for an hour straight, you can pretty much get her to succumb to anything your heart desires!
Jenn said…
Iwantthegreencandy iwanthegreencandy iwantthegreencandy
Is he for real?!
Number 7 fer sure!

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