
Today, Mark and I were having a perfectly lovely conversation about about random life stuff. Benign, really. Then all of a sudden, out of frickin' nowhere he throws in "'re almost 40?!" record scratch.
He immediately saw the error of his way, and probably the loneliness of it as well. Suddenly he's a giggly foot eating apologizing FOOL!
For the record, I'm 36. Almost 37. For the record.


Cousin Steph said…
Right there with you! Jalil loves to mention that I am three years older than him...Ooooo. And almost 37. I hope that makes him feel better...Then he immediately, sheepishly starts with how he was just saying... Just saying what? It is okay. That is when I start commenting on the 20 or so lbs. he could always stand to lose. Just saying...
gueran said…
i wish you'd stop getting older cuz you're just draggin' me with ya!

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