School Carpool

Dear Carpool Offenders,

Carpool is meant to be an efficiant, smooth, courtious event. There is no STOPPING. There is no GETTING OUT OF YOUR CAR. There is no PARKING. May be its your first time....I see how you may be confused. Here's the protocol: Every other car- hence the "courtious" part. Have your child prepared. Lunch in hand, backpack ON....not in the trunk under all the other crap you have back there. Say your goodbye's and kisses as you process through the queue. Teach your child how to open their OWN door. Getting out to do so holds up the flow and makes me want to plow over you with my giant SUV.
The epic offense of all.....CUTTING. Never ever, under any circumstances cut the queue. This will put you squarely at the top of every stressed out, bitter, mommies hit list.  Follow these simple instructions, and we ALL will have a more pleasant carpool experience....
Pissed In The Pool,


Kekepania said…
So what does this all MEAN??? Help Me! Every other car? Can we stop long enough to toss the kid out? blow kisses? air hugs? Please fill me in so that I may avoid the list!
Jenn said…
Yes....every other car, so neither direction gets INSANELY backed up. A brief stop so your child can safely exit is permitted. When parents get out....get the backpack out of the the childs door....hugs...kisses stands and waves....ARGGHHGHGH!!!
Don't be THAT parent....;-)
Kekepania said…
Okay but I must be super dense cuz I still don't understand the every other car thing...??? Must need a visual! LOL!
Jenn said…
Lmfao!!! I know you get it...;-)

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