Hope I get An A

I believe it's over parenting of the first born child that has brought me to this place. You know how you're sooooo very careful with the first one....like they have glass bones and paper skin. Don't give him sugar, safety caps in the outlets, big giant rediculous bumpers on the corners of all tables, no chewing gum....HE MIGHT CHOKE AND DIE...
The effects of over parenting are far reaching. I wish my now self could travel back in time and tell my then self....STOP IT! IT'S GONNA BITE YOU IN THE ASS IN 14 YEARS!!!
The next children who follow get less and less of this kind of "kid glove" treatment. I only have two children. I can imagine if your the sixth child. By the time that one arrives, he can probably live outside with my cat; survive on bugs and pigeons. Scrappy. 
This first child will tell me the night before Valentine's day...at 10pm...as he climbs into bed...."Oh by the way, I need to bring...ummm...you know those candy hearts with words on them? I need to bring some to school tomorrow." Maybe he's trying to drive me slowly insane?
Here's the epic offense of all. The school project. The project that this first child has known about for 8 weeks. 7 weeks and 5 days have passed. First child announces project on Saturday night...it's 11pm. Well, it's not really announced. More like, suggested.  Here's how that went....
ME: Goodnight Ky.
KY: Ummmm(the most overly used sound from a teenagers mouth) Goodnight. Ummmm(yes again) can you show me real quick how to do a power point?
This isn't my first time to this dance. I give the speech about responsibility and being in charge of your own destiny. I VOW to myself;  I will let him fail! I will let him feel the discomfort of his choice!  
Next thing I know, I'm googling Russia. Damn. I hope I get an A...


Anonymous said…
He will do the same with his children. It is our naural instinct to protect!

Love you,
Auntie xoxoox

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