Learning Is Fun

What I've learned so far...

Any meal can seem fabulous if you eat it off of the good dishes and use cloth napkins.
Pizza is a good example.

I believe in magic.
I know this because when I kiss the boo boo on Kid Two's elbow, it is
m a g i c a l l y  healed.

Never skimp on laundry soap. Buy the good stuff that smells amazing.
I ♥ Gain.

At home, put fresh linens on the beds before leaving on vacation. When you get back, climbing into those delicious crisp, fresh linens will be bliss

There is free money in the laundry room...in the dryer to be specific. I know this because Kid Two told me.

Perfection is overrated.
so are cake pops, boobs and lobster.

Lip gloss and giant sunglasses are a girls best friend in the morning carpool.

The laundry will never, ever be finished.

Breakfast for dinner = "Best mom ever" status.

Capers, shaved parmesan, and fire roasted tomatoes are a kitchen staple.

That one hour lost when we spring forward will kick my ass no matter how well I prepare.

Never share a drink with a child less than seven years old. Especially if the drink has a lid and a straw.
One word- backwash.

Honesty is the best policy unless someone gets a really bad hair cut...then, lie, lie, lie.

Having patience with children is hard. Having patience with grown ups is harder.

I can relate any situation to a Spongebob Squarepants episode.
go on, try me...

My apron is my super power.

Always order dessert.
(here's why... if I kick the bucket and I didn't get the carrot cake,  I'm gonna be PISSED that I didn't go out big.)

Happy Kids = Happy Mom.
Try to defy THAT.

I don't like turkey. I eat it every year at Thanksgiving and I have finally accepted the fact that it is yucky.
but, sweet po-TA-to pie is rad. 

The mailman hates us.

Grocery shopping when hungry only gets me a cart full of Cheese Whiz, Cadbury Eggs and  PB&J Uncrustables.

I suck at math. I actually think my brain rejects the entire concept.

I like wine.

I need coffee.

Learning is fun when wine and sarcasm is involved.


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