Back to school is quickly approaching and totally wrecking my summer mojo. Those who know, know that every summer I whisk my family away from the oppressive heat and boredom of our little town and squat at my parents(xoxxo) lake house high in the sierras. My only real connection to reality is social media via my smart(this word is up for debate)phone and the clerk at the market. Late in July, I started seeing peeps exclaim, "Three Monday's till school starts!", and "School supply shopping, DONE." Holy heck, really?? I still don't know what freaking day of the week it is . I know I could completely benefit from that Type A kind of lifestyle. I'd have every one's closet organized by color and season, backpacks would be packed and waiting by the door, lunches made the night before, Kid Two would wear socks that match... Nope. Not gonna happen. School begins in 12 days. There are no new backpacks, #2 pencils or glue sticks ...and Kid Two has evolved...