Got Sauce?

So here's the thing. Kid One is an aspiring master of all things culinary. This is totally amazing.  We, and all who know him reap the benefits of his musings in the kitchen. He is talented and dedicated and just completely rad.
Yay. Go Kid One.
Is it really necessary to spend twenty dollars on ingredients for BBQ sauce and wind up with this epic(make me pull my hair out and scream obscenities quietly to myself) mess?
Damnit. I guess so, because it was totally delicious. 

It took all of this...

using all of these

taking all of this time

to make this

to put on these.

Apparently THIS is for amateurs
 according to this guy.


Kekepania said…
Creativity takes space and can get kinda messy! At least it looks like he cleans up after himself? I love it!
Jenn said…
I <3 it...but he does NOT clean up. Ugh. I know. Spoiled People Problems, right? ;) My 17 year old son makes a(ginormous!) mess in the kitchen while making us something crazy delish...from scratch. Whaaaa.;))

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