I write a lot about my cat.   As a general rule, I do not like cats. But my little cat...well, he is awesome. He thinks he is better than me in every way, and seems to enjoy letting me know it.

The other day when I arrived home from picking up Kid Two at school, I didn't get out of my car right away. Kid Two wanted to climb the tree in the front yard, and the cozy warmth of my car kept me planted. So...I played Angry Birds on my phone.
A few minutes went by when I felt the car rock gently.
EARTHQUAKE...wait...no(?) we don't have earthquakes.
I looked up...Kid Two is still climbing the tree.

But, directly in front of me sitting on the hood of my car was my cat, in all his judgemental glory. 
You see that...It's his Silence of The Lambs face.
Awesome. And creepy.

It puts the lotion in the basket.


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