Puppy power, I guess.
Why do kids always want a dog? My kids have been asking since...well, since the history of ever. The answer is ALWAYS a solid (hellls)NO. I know what happens if we get a dog. Know how I know? Because we have a fish(he is fish #5, btw), a cat and a hamster. We've had butterflies(twice!) an ant farm, praying mantises and silk moths. That last grouping counts as pets because guess who feeds them and worries about them and loves them? Yours truly. So,they are all technically MY pets, and I DO NOT want to add a dog to the menagerie. My dear sweet friend, who shall remain nameless to protect her awesomness, had a little puppy follow her home as she was walking her dog. This little doggie follower was all puppy and sweet and...puppy. She called me, and it went like this: "Friend(?!?!) this sweet little puppy followed me home and I HAVE to find him a home and I think that's why God put him in my path because I could find him a home and no one will claim him and I need to fin...