Puppy power, I guess.

Why do kids always want a dog?
My kids have been asking since...well, since the history of ever. The answer is ALWAYS a solid (hellls)NO. I know what happens if we get a dog. Know how I know? Because we have a fish(he is fish #5, btw), a cat and a hamster. We've had butterflies(twice!) an ant farm, praying mantises and silk moths. That last grouping counts as pets because guess who feeds them and worries about them and loves them? Yours truly. So,they are all technically MY pets, and I DO NOT want to add a dog to the menagerie.

My dear sweet friend, who shall remain nameless to protect her awesomness, had a little puppy follow her home as she was walking her dog. This little doggie follower was all puppy and sweet and...puppy. She called me, and it went like this:

"Friend(?!?!) this sweet little puppy followed me home and I HAVE to find him a home and I think that's why God put him in my path because I could find him a home and no one will claim him and I need to find him a home and I think it should be with you!"
And that's exactly how it went. ;)

Fast Forward to me agreeing to take him for the night as long as he stayed in the garage in a dog crate and that she had to take it from there.
Not only did he NOT stay in the garage, he stayed in my house and my heart that grew three sizes that day.

Shhhh...don't tell, but I really wanted to keep him. I called him Lil' Homie and even let him cuddle on the couch. I have 23 pictures and two videos of him on my phone. But alas, I could not keep him. We found him a home with a couple of kids and a mom and a dad. He stayed with us for two days and we fell in love with him(damnit). On the third day, his new family showed up at the front door to take their new puppy home. I put all the puppy necessities I had bought my Lil' Homie into a bag and I had prepared some things to say to the new family.
The door bell rang, I opened the door and I totally fell apart. I cried. I ugly cried. The kind of cry where you try NOT to cry and then you can't speak and you make this weird sucking-in-quick gasps-of-air-alien sound? Yeah. I did that. The new family was a little weirded out by my freak show of tears. Let's be honest they were A LOT weirded out, but they were also excited. The kids scooped up my Lil' Homie and loved on him and he loved them right back...

Guess who wants a dog now.
Yours, Truly.

lil' homie{tear}


Kekepania said…
OMG!!!! I want him! He is sooooo flipping cute!
Jenn said…
S~ We found out he was part of a litter who were abandoned by a bunch of college kids who got evicted. He was only 4 months old and SO polite and SO gosh darn CUTE! ;) If the timing had been different, there is no way I would have let him go! But it all happened the Sunday before Thanksgiving, and we were leaving town. His new family has texted me pix of him in his new home. He is totally loved and cared for, so the ending is a happy one. ;)

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