
I am forever having to remind my boys to shave(Kid One-17) and brush teeth(Kid Two-9). Kid Two will find any reason not to brush.
-I just drank orange juice
-I'm going to eat again in a little while
-Why can't I just chew gum
-I brushed my teeth yesterday...


It was nearing bedtime a few evenings ago. Kid Two cuddled up to me on the couch. He smelled so minty fresh!
"You brushed your teeth without me nagging you?! Good job!" I hugged him. 

Kid Two looked at me in some kind of shock I think, as if he had just discovered The Secret to The History of Ever (Ooooooo...)

"Candy Canes work!? I didn't brush my teeth, but you thought I DID(??!) All I did was eat a candy cane...and it WORKED!"
Ummm, news flash little homeslice...That only works if you're Kes$ha and you're gonna rinse with a bottle of Jack after your candy cane "toothbrushing".

"Not even the 10th dentist would agree with you on this one and he couldn't care less. Now. go brush your teeth...with a toothbrush."

This is not a toothbrush. 


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