Math stinks

Math and I are are not homies. No kind of math. Not even like the fourth grade kind of math. Which, by the way, is totally algebra.
what the hell? 
I help out in Kid Two's class once a week. I just so happen to be there during their math lesson.
His teacher will occasionally send the kids who need a little extra help to come sit with me at the back of the class. On one occasion, the smartest kid in class came and sat with me.
oh crap.
I put on my super confidence face and helped him get to the answer. He then took his seat at the front of the room. Once the kids were finished, the teacher and the class went over and corrected the problems together. When she got to the problem that Captain Mathlete needed help with, she read the answer aloud.
hmmm. interesting. that's not the answer I got.
El Capitan whipped around in his chair, made severely disappointed, pissed off eye contact with me and mouthed "ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!"
Nope, kid. That's no joke. I am that good at being that bad with math.


Kekepania said…
Oh noooooo! Super duper embarrassing!I am so sure that the answers "they" say are correct are wrong! I can't seem to remember how to correctly mulitply fractions????? I swear I am doing it right but "their" answers say differently!WTH?

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