Field Trip

We took the kids to a super cute local pumpkin patch. The fox corn maze was confusing(we are smart people. WTF happenend?!) and fun(more fun if they had served cocktails). Kid One and Kid Two are totally into anything military. While in the maze, Mark and I got "no scoped" and "noobed" by our children.
Good clean fun is what we are into. 
Thirty-six dollars  later we loaded our big beautiful pumpkins(3 of do the math) into the car, and hit the road home.
A nice little outing in our nice little town.


78968400mom said…
Great pix neighbor. Fox is by far the best patch around here. Why is it that my daughter is blessed to have two cut boys next door? We didn't even have cute neighbor dogs! Can hardly wait to see this years creations. Peace...and pumpkins...and seeds.
patricia said…
Your family is BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL!
gueran said…
OMG if you slipped into a marie callender's apron, i'd swear it was 1993. you look amazing (sorry to be shallow, but hey, it's true)
big hug from LA

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