It Takes One To Know One

A few years back, we took a trip to the mountains smack dab in the middle of winter.
During a blizzard.

We spun out into oncoming traffic.
The windshield wipers broke.
They closed the road.

There we were trapped on a mountain highway with Kid One (8) and Kid Two (10 months).
This was before we had a car with entertainment properties.
I know. Tragic.

Kid One kept asking if we were going to die.
Kid two only stopped crying if we played The Copacabana...over and over and over.
Not sure why we had Barry Manilow in the car, but I'll be forever grateful to Lola who was a show girl and liked to bump it to a good beat.

That trip left and big ugly memory scar . I swore we would never make a trip again if it was snowing.
And we didn't.
Untill Easter 2010.
We decide to spend the Holiday in the mountains with family.
It was April.
Blizzard Schmizzard.

We get to the summit.
It's Snowing.
Lots of snowing.
I give myself a little internal pep talk.
Yep. That didn't work.
So, I cried. 
Not the delicate, tear rolling down your cheek kind of crying.
The Shoulder shrugging, sobbing, snotty, shameless kind of crying. The ugly cry.

Fast Forward a fewish weeks....

Kid Two is having some kind of twisted emotional day.
Crying about everything.

The wind blew his hair the wrong way...
He can't find a pencil for homework...
He can't ge his shoe on...

I've lost the very last bit of my Mommy sympathy...
"Why are you being such a crybaby today, sheesh!?"

He puts on his "are you kidding me face".
Looks at me square.
And says...

"I'm a crybaby??!"
Little maniacal laughter.

"You cried because it was snowing."
 Touche', little smarty man.


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