Kibbles And Bits
Here's why we're not getting a dog....or a hermit crab or sea monkeys.
If you follow these postings you know we have cat. He lives outside. While he is clever and resourceful at finding things to munch on, we do feed him. Well...I feed him.
And that brings me to my point.
It's been at least a week since one of the kids has feed EL Gato. I've been doing the job.
Kid one is online, saving the world from zombies.
Kid two is organizing his toy buckets.
"Ummm...did anyone feed Oreo today?"
Or yesterday or the day before or EVER???
Silence. I can hear their thoughts knocking around in their heads....
Finally, kid one is brave enough to speak.
"I did it the other day."
Ahhh...yes. Let the finger pointing begin.
"Well, I do it all the time."
Really??? Cuz I'd bet my next hair appointment that you are both wrong.
I explained to them that even though he eats moths and chews the heads off of pigeons, he needs to eat food. He is a cat. Not a puma.
Here's what they heard...Blah blah blah balh-biddy blah wonk wonk wonk.
I know this because I'm still the one outside shaking the food bag calling, keeety, keeeety, keeeeeety!
And this is why we're not getting a dog.
The. End.
Bella and Nik want and beg for dwarf hamster...yeah,so not happening. BECAUSE, I will end up being the one feeding it and cleaning out the disgusting cage..... NOT!!!!