Fruit Fly

Thanks to a bunch of week old, totally brown, untouched bananas my children asked for,  you have magically appeared in my kitchen. A connoisseur of the fermentation process, you do not discriminate. Rotting bananas or my very nice glass of Sarah's Vineyard Chardonnay. While you are easily more annoying and mysterious than any little insect I can imagine, I cannot slight you for what you did.  If I were a tiny six legged thing about to off myself....I, too, would swan dive, elegantly into a giant glass of wine. So, kudos to you, disgusting little bug. I appreciate your style.


Chris Peck said…
Very nicely put. One question...Did you know that a fruit fly has 6 legs or did you Google it? To be completely honest...I Googled it.
Jenn said…
Are you MOCKING me with the google comment?! Just because my smart phone is smarter than YOUR smart phone...don't be a hater. ;-)
Insects-6 legs
Arachnids-8 legs
Mr. Moore's 6th grade science....remember?!

I DID, however, spell check connoisseur, due to my word nerdiness.

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