Happy "Hallo-Thanks-Christmas"

I'm not a marketing wizard.
I'm not the CEO of a retail giant.
I'm not a number crunching Yoda.

I am a human who lives in the northern hemisphere.
I'm wired to the seasons and their commercialism.

So I say, WTF is up with:

Halloween in August.
Christmas in October.
Valentines in December.
Swimsuits in February.
Back to school in June.

I'm aware this is some, over-my-head-big-money, practice.....but come ON.

Who can even visualize themself in a bikini, in February, when we've been burried in sweaters since Thanksgiving Dinner?
Ummm....can you say big white muffin top?!

And June, for back to school?!
We just started holiday.
Are they trying to drive us to drink(more).;-)

Kid two has to decide what he's going to be for Halloween in August.
Have the retail people meet a human under the age of 10?
They are a fickle bunch.

The dilemma is that if you DON'T scoop up your mechanical pencils, Christmas lights, and swimsuits, your SOL.

What's left, is;
Hanna Montana lunch sacks.(I have boys. This is a tradgedy)
Red chili string lights and blue fake trees.
And monokini's in xxsmall.

Climbing off of my soap box, now....


Rachel said…
Unknown said…
So agree!!! Have been dealing with this for years!!! It seems to get earlier and earlier. Pretty soon we will be Christmas shopping in May and swim suit shopping in Oct. What is with the retail mogals???? I think we should all retaliate. NO Christmas shopping until December. Anyway, thats when the best sales are!!! See you all at the mall in December!!!

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