Dirty Laundry

Mark thinks I am the best 

I would rather clean all of my neighbors toilets than fold my own laundry. It is my most despised chore. I'm a bad ass at the washing part, but matching socks and and figuring out the debacle that is the fitted sheet...totally painful. So, I wash and wash and wash, and what I end up with is a mountain of clothes that needs to be folded. Yesterday, I sat on the floor with my mountain in front of me.
Folding suuuuuuucks.
A few items in, I found a dollar. Under my breath I muttered,  finders keepers...
Kid Two was nearby and came to investigate. He announced that, that may very well be his dollar.
Too bad so sad, sucker.
And in my disgruntled state, I told him that it was mine now because whoever folds the laundry gets to keep any money they find. An occupational bonus.
Kid Two is fascinated by this. He wants to know if I've ever found a twenty.
Totally...and fives and even a wad that equaled, like fifty bucks.
He makes me an offer I can't refuse, considering I'd risk getting staphylococcus rather than fold my own laundry.
He suggests the he alone will fold any and all laundry, and in doing so he gets to keep what he finds. I quickly agreed to his proposal.

Is it really a bad thing that I didn't tell him that I hardly ever find money? Hey, I'm grooming him to be a great husband. 
His wife is gonna love me...probably.

...and by the way...Mark really made that certificate and presented it to me like I was being knighted. He is pretty awesome like that.


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