Drink security? All righty then...

Kid Two is awesome.  It's a special kind of awesome that makes be shake my head and laugh on the daily. His latest quirky-yet-logical behavior has to do with his water bottle he takes to school. All the kids are allowed a water bottle in class. They are all kept at the back table grouped together in a basket with their name and class number written on them. By Friday, Kid Two's backpack contains a weeks worth of his empty water bottles. Last Friday as he was cleaning out his pack, I noticed he had written like an entire sentence on all of his bottles. I asked him what that was all about...
"I wrote 'I BACKWASH' on them that way FOR SURE no one will accidentally drink out of mine. I don't really backwash, but they don't know that. I know...it's genius."
Genius and juuuust a lil' whackadoodle, homslice.❤

"I Backwash" Also known as Drink security.


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