Homie plays like THIS....

Has he met me, my husband??  Unfortunately for him I have a strong passive aggressive streak. And here. we. go.....Three car driveway=plenty-o-space to park two large cars.  Mark 
chooses to park right in the middle....always.  This leaves me a small space on either side. grrrrr.  I wonder..."does he think he's the ONLY one who lives heeere?!"  
I arrive home first and park my car completely parallel to our house, 
in the middle of the driveway.  He comes in and asks, "Did you park like that on purpose?"  hee hee  "Of course I did.  You park in the middle, so I parked in the middle." 
Fast forward to the next day.
He arrives home first and parks across the bottom of the driveway, blocking it.  Again....has he not met me?!?  I proceed to drive around his truck over the grass and park right beside him in the middle of the driveway.  WINNAH WINNAH CHICKEN DINNAH.  Out of the house he comes, fuming with his "what the hell" face on..."I can't believe you just drove on the grass?!?"
This is how homie plays....


Cousin Steph said…
sarahntastic said…
frickin' hilarious!
gueran said…
you just gave me a great idea on how to deal with the jerk-off who parks next to me in the parking structure of my building. sometimes he wedges in at an obnoxious angle that is *this* close to my driver door. so close that i sometimes need crisco to squeeze through the tiny gap he leaves between our cars. it's time to step things up and just do the sideways "jenn park job". i'll report back how it goes.
rebecca storch said…
LMFAO! that is sooooo awesome! Jenn you are WAY too funny! I wouldnt have the energy to keep up!

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