No One Blinked

I was listening to a news report about a woman who put her kids out of the car and made them walk home(around the corner) due to their unruly behavior.
Old School.

She caused a shit storm for herself with her technique.
We are living a time of "it's everybody's business".
Had she done that 25 years ago no one would have blinked.

When I was a kid, my cousin and I would sit on our Holly Hobbie metal lunch pails, strapped in with a lap  the back of a 71 Ford Pinto.
Moms in the front seat, sans seat belts, flying down a road they called "Blood Alley".
Old School. No One blinked.

My lunch pail contained my sandwich made on white bread with mayo and salami , and no little frozen freezer cube to keep it chilled properly so I didn't get food poisoning.
Old School. No One blinked.

We rode in the back of my Dad's pickup truck...on the freeway....and pretended to fly.
Old School. No one blinked.

From age 12-17, every chance we got, my cousin, best friend and I would spend from sun up to way past sun down playing with our horses.
Riding way back up into the mountains.
Without a helmet.
Without adult supervision.
We ate blackberries off the bushes, caught a cooked a rattle snake.
We had THE greatest adventures.
Old School. No one blinked.

We drank out of the hose.
Swam in the pond.
Stubbed our toes.
Rode our bikes.
Learned how to be responsible for ourselves...
And no one blinked.


Kekepania said…
Oh Yes Cousin I remember! How did we survive??? Oh the sitting on the lunch pail thing was BAD...hahaha! Horseback riding all day...AWESOME! To be a kid again! Would it be the same?
Unknown said…
Love that picture!!! Times do change...sometimes not always for the better. Nice to have those memories. As for our family room...YIKES!!!! Good change!
Kekepania said…
But I really do love that chair Aunt Joan!
sarahntastic said…
I remember when my dad put my bros out on the highway in Utah or Nevada during a summer vacation when they wouldn't shut it for more than a second. Drove away a bit, came back to their sobbing and promises to never fight in the car again. Old School.

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