Real Housewives Of The Playground?

Kid One is on the verge of 15. A High Schooler.
At 3 o'clock, everyday, I morph into the Mom Taxi, as I collect anyone who needs a ride.

First, the elementary pick up.
Next...High School.

Driving up to the behemoth of a school Kid One attends, I feel like I'm on safari.  
All the interesting characters mingling about, in their natural environment.

If you've ever made the trek, you may relate to this observation...
High School girls look like Real House Wives Of The Jersey Shore.
$350 Jeans.
Designer handbags.
They look like their 25!
I want to be them!

I ask Kid One, "Is that a STUDENT??!"


When I was in High School, the girls looked like they were in High School. 
Not like they were waiting for their own reality show.

Step away from the tanning bed.
Cancel your botox appointment.
Get an Ed Hardy Intervention...STAT.

Because when you ARE 25, you will look like you're 35...and you'll be crying giant tears your über hip cocktail.


Kekepania said…
"I want to be them"...that made me laugh! I KNOW! Could you imagine competing in THAT world though?Mean Girls? Egads is right!
rebecca said…
love it!!! soo true.
Jenn said…
Nowadays, mean girls start in preschool. I've SEEN them!
Double Egads! ;-)

These glamazon high school girls make my son look like a little boy....he doesn't have a chance! (thank GOD.) ;-)

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