Cupboard Shopping

Cupboard Shopping~
The desperate act of digging through your pantry in search of any random items that will come together as a delicious amazing meal. This form of shopping is in lieu of driving your butt to the grocery store.
Of course cupboard shopping will not do if there is no wine.
That's when you put your desperate arse in the car and head to the market.


Kekepania said…
Ha! or ask your husband to grab takeout on the way home! Mine is due home any moment with some. However, we spend WAY too much $$$$ on take out!I just need inspiration to cook.
Unknown said…
Some of my best meals have come from cupboard shopping. Must haves always...chopped tomatoes, capers, olives and artichoke hearts. Shelf life, almost forever!!! XO Mom
Jenn said…
You inspired this post, Mom! ;-)
Capers!!!!! Yes!!!

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