Game Over

Burried deep in the back of the game closet in a vacation house, Kid Two found a dusty game of Monoply.
Monoply, circa, when I was a kid.
Also known as the "Olden Days", according to my little cherubs.

This game tortured me in my youth. It involved math and negotiations and it lasted for days.
My cousin and I would "play" and she always beat me.

Kid Two convinces Kid One to step away from~
slaying zombies
fighting the wild west
saving the world from war.
Ugh. Video games.

I busy myself with chores, and feel secretly lucky I didn't get an invite to play.

Have fun boys. Hope you packed survival gear. Snatching up properties and utilities takes
f o r e v e r.
And that's a mighty long time.

It seems like only 47 second have passed. Kid Two is standing on the table(pretend you didn't read that, mom) celebrating his victory.

I've just poured a glass of wine.
Dug out my book.
Settled myself in the last of the sun.
You know "chores".

"Ummm. What's going on, boys?"
Now Kid Two is singing of his triumph.
I wo-on. I wo-on. oh ye-ah. oh ye-ah...

Did they give up?
Did Kid One cheat to loose?
Was I sucked through a time warp??!

Kid One explains:
"The game is over. He won. I kept landing on expensive ones."

Here's where I feel like a slacker mom.
My kids don't know how to play Monopoly.
They thought when you land on Park Place, you pay the other person that amount.

I berate myself for a nano second, then decide it's kind of fantastic.
Game over. Just like that.

One day, I will show them the real way.
One day, when I want to do math and negociate.
One day, when they drag me to therapy because I was a slacker mom...


Unknown said…
I only wish I would be able to tell a story they way you do !

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