The Great White Ego Crusher

Magnifying mirrors should come with a warning.

"Objects in mirror will horrify you beyond belief. Use sparingly and as a very last desperate resort. Side effects may include;
Disbelief, crying, cursing, increased alchohol cunsumption to soothe your crushed ego."

I arrived at this conclusion after ploping myself down, in "great lighting" to clean up my brows.
When did all of THAT happen?!

I only sat in front of the great white ego killer, because I checked myself in the car visor, and disovered I had missed a complete dissary of stragglers.
A closer look was eminent.

Over plucking terrifies me. I do not want to tattoo my face because I got tweezer happy.
Double EGADS!
So into the mirror I gazed...
Ego crushed.

My solice, though horribly cliché.....
It's five o'clock somewhere.


Unknown said…
AMEN sista ! that is why Brittany waxes my eye brows at the salon !

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