Line Of Shame

There's been 7 Wednesday's since school began.
On hump day, both Kid One and Kid Two have modified schedules.
Kid One goes in and hour later.
Kid Two gets out 30 minuets early.

Each week, I dread this day. The kids LOVE it.
Their day is short. So is mine.
For 7 weeks now, Wednesday has come and gone.
No problem. I've got this.
Until Yesterday.

I was using up every last iota of a nano second I had before heading to the dreadful carpool pick-up.
I wasn't in a hurry. I had plenty of time.
As I turned the corner to the thoughts came in slow motion.
No one's here.
No busses.
No painfully long carpool line.
No kids.
It's WEDNESDAY. I am late!

I park and sprint walk casually up to the school, only to find myself at the end of the "very forgetful parent" line. I am LAST. I am the most forgetful parent.
The line of shame.

The corraled children are wearing masks of disappointment.
The office staff shake their heads and offer up a good old fashioned, "tsk tsk".

All's well that ends well.
I'll just put this one in the bucket with all of my other parental faux pas.
I may need to upgrade to a barrel, soon...


Anonymous said…
I hate Wednesdays too! Last week, a friend was so kind and thoughtful and brought me lunch. We were enjoying ourselves whilst the babies played happily in the other room. Then the doorbell rings. I look at the clock, and think who could possibly be ringing the bell at 12:43? I answer the door and there stands my sweet Benny boy...with the bus driver shaking her head behind him. Mom of the year award will need another recipient this year!
Jenn said…
Oh, Chris.
You must have never been late to collect your child.
If you fail to arrive at pick up, they take all the left over children and put them in the office.
You have to wait in line to sign your kid out. All while being glared at by the office staff.
Have you meet the front desk lady??
She's scary. She will smite you with her stapler.
Yesterday, there were about 10 candidates in the line of shame.
I was last in line.
The most forgetful parent of the day.

If you've never had to stand in the line of shame...Congratulations.
rebecca said…
I hear ya sister!!! I was soo late going to pick Natalie up one crazy Wednesday that I actually found out what comes after the 'shameful' pickup line. What comes next? you might ask. Well, her teacher took her from the front office... & walked her home. I wanted to dig a hole and stick my head in it.

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