Got Testosterone?

Today, I took my almost 7 year old to pick out his birthday cake. Simple enough task. Look in a book and choose. The cake lady presents the book. It's epic. A bohemouth.

We start flipping through...
Fairy Princess
Barbie Fairy Princess
Barbie as Tinker Bell Fairy Princess
Barbie as Tinker Bell Fairy Princess in Fairytopia.....
Are you kidding me?!?!

We reach the middle of the "Giant Book Of Girl Stuff, Only" and find something that resembles a boy-like possibility.

"Hey!! Spiderman!! How about that one?!"
Oh for the love of birthday cake, please say yes.

"You know I'm going to be 7, right..... Seeeeeeeven. No Spiderman."
Apparently Spiderman's not cool in the seven year old crowd.

We keep flipping....
High School Musical
Jonas Brothers
Hannah Montana
Twilight New Moon
hey. i like this one....

We're almost to the back of the book. There's a section called "other".  This is where he spies the one he must have.
Suddenly, he's Veruca Salt..."This is the one. This is the one I like. Please, please, PLEASE???...."

"It's Harley Davidson. Do you know what that is?"

"No. But It's AWESOME!!!"
It has flames and a motorcycle. Apparently, that kicks Spiderman's ass. Great. We'll take it. A very Merry Harley Birthday, it is.


Kekepania said…
At least you don't need to worry about that ;)...

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