Mission Impossible

Anyone who is the parent of a teenager knows how fantastically difficult it is to wake this creature from slumber. They could test long range missiles right from his bedside, and he'd remain in an R.E.M. pattern.

The teenager who lives in my house has taken up the maddening habit of falling asleep when he arrives home from school. I try my best to wake him. No success.
Homework not completed.
No dinner in belly.
Chores not done.

He emerges from his cave at 9:30pm. Hungry and awake. Stretch and yawwwwwwwn.  He wants to know why I didn't wake him up?!? I know he asks this because he reaaaaaaally wants to watch my head spin completely around and laser beams to shoot out of my eyes.

I explain that I tried to wake him. He then, in great detail, schools me in the ways of his kind. Apparently, in order to wake a teenager you should hit them with a pillow. I'm not kidding. This is what he has shared with me. Well....in his defense, I have never tried that.
Duly noted, young padawan.

The very next morning, my husband reports that our son is still asleep....he can't wake him. Ohhhhh, really???? Down the hall I march with my newly gained inside information. I bounce and bounce on his bed like a T.I.double G.er, pillow in hand, and give him a few good pillow fight whacks. He looks up at me, glassy eyed, crooked smile and mumbles, "Now that's how you wake up a teenager...."

Mission Accomplished.


Leticia Salcido said…
So comical! Exactly what I have to do to Tyler on the weekends!!!

Hope all is well!

Unknown said…
Apple doesn't fall tooooo far from the tree!!! Wished I knew the pillow trick many years ago. HeeeHeee!
Kekepania said…
AMAZING!Does he have any info on how to put a kindergartener to sleep???

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