
My 7 year old has been taking me literally.  The morning is crazy in our house. Getting everyone up and out the door is a circus act. On a few occasions....(well maybe more) we  run late getting to school. Not late like I have to park my car and walk him up,  just a little delayed.
As I manipulate the carpool line and the idiots who STILL don't know how to do it,  I'm grumbling under my breath how late we are.

I quickly usher him out of the car..." Have a great day! Kiss! Hug! Go! THE BELL JUST RANG!"
Apparently, he believes he is literally late.
He hears my words as;

Today we really were tardy. 10 am tardy. It was explained to him that we'd go to the office and get a late slip....

"Oh. No problem. I do that all the time."
I am puzzled.

"What do you mean you do that all the time. You've never been late."

"I'm late all the time. SOOOooooo, I just go to the office and ask for a late slip and then go to class."

"What?! Why are you doing that?!"

"Because, you always say I'm late!?"

"What do they say in the office??"
I can't decide if I really want to know the answer to this.

"They ask why I'm tardy, and I tell them it's because I took my time getting dressed."
Ahhhh, yes. Captain Clever.

"And they just give you a slip...."

"Yep. It's easy. I'll show you."

Oh. Fantastic. Yes. Please.....show me.


Kekepania said…
Isn't it crazy the way these things go on and we have NOOOO idea it is happening? Scarey. A far cry from the days of knowing every single detail of your little ones day. Dare I ponder what other things could be going on during the 8 or so hours Julien is away from home...and he is only in Kindergarten!

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