Just Call Me Abe

Kid two is receiving and award at school. The award is for "Honesty". His teacher sent home a note stating this fact. At the bottom she wrote:

"Honesty" I do not tell them.

The meaning of this footnote is lost upon me, as I holler...


"I am??! Cool!"
Little celebration dance around the room...

I, then have another look at the at the personal message.....and understand it.

It's a secret. A surprise. Shhhhhh. SHE DOESN'T TELL THEM.
Crap. Crap. Crap!

I panic, and give him this brilliant advice....
"You aren't supposed to know! Don't tell anyone you know!! If someone asks, tell them you don't know!!! Lie about knowing...!"
Way to go,  Abe Lincoln.


Cindy Salcido said…
It's amazing how you write about something so everyday and make it soo funny.
Kekepania said…
So funny, lie about knowing you are getting the honesty award! Hahaha! Sometimes those teacher notes make no sense! Really!I always have to re-read Julien's teachers emails.

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