Love Crumbs

I am a Mom.

My purse contains fruit snacks, granola bars, hand sanitizer, and crumbs.

My car contains gum wrappers, Monster cans, Star Wars guys and crumbs.

My pockets contain the broken arm of a Star Wars guy, his light saber, a small rock and crumbs.

My brain contains tonights dinner menu, the grocery list, a memo to return a movie(i'll still forget) and crumbs.

My belly contains coffee, Monster, wine, dark chocolate and crumbs.

My life contains chaos, fun, frustration, happiness, disappointment, love...
and of course....crumbs.


Rebecca Storch said…
Love it!!! so true - I add ... my pocket contains a retainer, used of course, a hearing aid, a dead flower, and crumbs.
Jenn said…
Hey, that you shared your love crumbs!!

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