Bon Appétit

The pantry is cleaned and organized...for now. 
It's been a while since I've made it to the back of the shelves. A couple cans of Spaghetti O's that expired in 2007 are proof.
Not sure I remember anyone even liking Spaghetti O's?

While in there, purging, I discovered something about myself.
I am a crappy grocery shopper.
Extra crispy, crappy.

My pantry is stocked like a fall out shelter for the random and obscure.
There's cans(notice this is plural??!) of coconut milk, panko bread crumbs, smoked oysters, mac and cheese, chipotle peppers in adobo, black licorice extract, lavender extract...
And 10 cans of italian stewed tomatoes?! Whatever I was planning on making never came to fruition.....MANY TIMES
Someone needs to put down the Bon Appétit....and walk away


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