Tooth Fairy

I have boys. For some reason when the whole Tooth Fairy thing first raised it's ugly head I decided to use the pronoun"he"when referring to the mythical beast.
So, it's a boy. Who is a fairy.
Yep, that's right.

Kid One losses his first tooth. An epic moment as a child.
Being new, first time parents, we had a plan.
Charts, graphs, a playbook, money, a special note from "Him".

We nailed it every time. High fiving each other, lots of self congratulations.
Then Kid Two came along....

His first Tooth Fairy experience was at four.
An extraction, due to a rambunctious game of tag played on a tiled floor.
Face, meet floor.

I hadn't even talked about the Tooth Fairy yet.
So, he got the Cliffs Notes version.

Kid Two puts his tooth under his pillow.
Nighty Night.

In the morning, when I go to wake him, I realize "The Tooth Fairy" forgot.
Not brilliant.
I pillage Husbands wallet.
Nothing smaller than a twenty.
Great. That a way to sent the bar, Mr. Tooth Fairy.
I sneak back in Kid Two's room. Trade tooth for money.
I'm like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible. Cue the music...


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