
Once upon a time there was a Husband who was fantastically competitive.
It entertained his wife to no end how a simple thing like tossing a ball of paper into the trash became an Olympic event.
If someone dare declare, "It can't be done", the games would begin.

Wife got a front row seat to the extreme "WHO CAN HIT THE PINE CONE IN THE LAKE FROM THE TOP DECK WITH THEIR EYES CLOSED" event.
Her Hero.

Brilliant Wife decided she would make this character trait work to her advantage.
"I'll bet you can't fold all of those clothes."
"I'll bet you can't do all of those dishes."

And this is how savvy Wife got her Laundry Fairy and her Dish Fairy.
The End.


Unknown said…
To dang funny girl
Jenn said…
Now...I'm actually not allowed near the laundry. He likes his way better. Score!

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