
Showing posts from August, 2008


One week in the can...wasn't as hard as I had predicted! We all adjusted well to the new schedule. Thank God...I was prepared to "Little House On The Prairie" it if not! Ha! kidding . Noah loves Kindergarten....a lot! Ky has had "the best year ever" so far. That changes daily if not hourly. At 13, I suppose, that is your prerogative. Making your parents feel like they fell down the rabbit hole.....? I don't remember getting that memo until I was 16/17. Anyhooooo....week two? The Salcido's are ready to rumble!

Rude Awakening

It's no secret that we are sleep connoisseurs. As I said in an earlier post, we take no time at all to begin the sleeping marathon. It started quite typical with the 9am stretch and yawn. That quickly became 10am. Here we are two days from the start of reality and we didn't shuffle sleepily(adverb! *wink*) to the coffee pot until 11am! *sigh* Who, but we, does this?! 6am Monday will feel like some kind of inhumane twisted torture for us all. Rude awakening, for sure.