Gutter Ball

I have a bowling ball closet. Well, actually every closet in my house is a bowling ball closet. You know that place you shove....well....everything. Some of you my not understand this because you are freaks of nature(i love you all, deeply) and have a place for everything. I can relate to that on a certain level. Like the milk, for instance. The milk has a place. The refrigerator.

It's things like tubes of wrapping paper, photo albums, the vacuum cleaner, the chia Obama someone thought I couldn't live without. It's these random things I just shove.
Imma shit shover, imma shit shover. I will shove shit.... wherever it'll fit. 

I hoped, that someday, by osmosis, The Joan gene would kick in, and I would magically be organized. I'd suddenly have olympic skills with the labeler and know exactly where that box of Ticonderoga #2.5 pencils was. I'd Have a mini Costco in my garage, so I'd never have to borrow toilet paper from my neighbor again. I'm about to celebrate the 9th anniversary of my 29th birthday, and Nada. Niente. Nichts.
No desire to organize the pantry alphabetically. Or Hang my clothes in color groups. Oh well. I still hold out hope, that someday, I will want to give my endless spools on ribbon their very own place.


Kekepania said…
I am fighting this, having shit shoved everywhere! It makes me really edgy. I am losing the battle.
Unknown said…
I have to admit....I do have closets that are pretty full! However, you can open them and find what you need. They are to speak! Homes just never seem to have enough closet space!!! Hard to let that item go when you just may need it "someday". I am getting better. XO Mom

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