Run, Forrest, Run

Dear Noisy Gym Guy,
I applaud your enthusiasm.  You climbed on the treadmill and promptly sprinted for 15 minutes, solid. No warm up. Did not pass go. Did not collect $200......Impressive. Your pattern of shouting "URRRRRGHHHA" with heavy chant breathing in between....just a little strange. I seriously thought you were injured the first couple of times, or that maybe I was being punked. And being that you climbed on beside me with five empty machines on either side, made me very aware of the heads turning to look "our" way. I turned my music up so I wouldn't be tempted to shoot you strange looks every thirty seconds.  The kicker was, you weren't wearing headphones. I can't even give you that. Oye, my turrets  running buddy...... In a strange way, it was slightly inspiring, you and your great noisy sprint to nowhere.

Love Always,
Your Silent Wingman (kisses)


Rebecca said…
Love it!! let me guess - did he put it on a HUGE incline??? THAT guy goes to MY gym! I am just waiting for him to fling off the end of the treadmill into the mirrors.(and I will laugh my ass off)
Jenn said…
LOL!! You KNOW him!
I'm embarrassed to admit, I put mine a huge incline, but speed walk. Does that make it less lame?? Ugh...I'm thinking NOT! ;-) The joke is that I'm training for Everest.
Kekepania said…
Creepy...I seriously would move if someone took one right next to me when there were all the other empty ones. If I went to the gym that is ;)I have been known to cop an attitude if you stand too close to me at the bus stop.

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