The Joan, Old School

My appreciation for my mother continues to multiply as I experience my own musings and outrages as a mother myself.  Back in the day, when I was a kid, my mother had, what now seems, an endless cache of patients. Of course at the time, I thought she was like totally not fair! She never screamed or yelled or lost her cool. She rarely played the Dad card, and never once laid a hand on us. She could, however, chuck a wicked flip flop down the hall...around the corner...and never miss. I think it was her super power.
Her spidey senses were sharp. They aided her in always knowing (well....maybe not always) what I was up to. She once chased after a car she thought contained me, only to loose the muffler off of Auntie's station wagon as they "Duke's Of Hazzard-ed" it over the railroad tracks. Old school.
She made dinner every night, and it was always delicious. She did it all, without a cell phone or the internet  or remote controls or chicken nuggets. She never cursed or complained. Here I am, a modern mother with every conceivable technology at my fingertips. I have a vacuum cleaner that will suck the paint off your car, a phone that will create a meal at the spin of an app, I can change the channel from the other room, and my chicken is boneless, skinless, flash frozen and vacuum packed, individually. I had a Diaper Genie, she was the Diaper Genie. It's like The Jetsons, in comparison. So today, I give a shout out to my Mom, The Joan. She was old school before old school was cool. When I grow up, I wanna be just like her.
(love you, mom )


Lorraine Clements said…
You are an awesome daughter/niece Jenn and thanks for not mentioning that on our way over the railroad tracks I had three little kids "Strapped In" in the back seat! I hear CPS knocking!
Kekepania said…
Absolutely Fabulous!
Unknown said…
Thanks for the beautiful memories...especially the picture. I remember that day well. BBQ in Granny and Pop Pop's yard. I was blessed the day you were born and it grows ever stronger with each passing year. We brought you home from the hospital on my birthday. You were and still are, my present each and every year. As for the "powers", you have just haven't had to use them yet!!! I love you too!
XO Mom

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