
Dear Steve Jobs,

I have a borderline creepy love affair with my iPhone, I have an iMac, Apple TV and I think I may have evolved into some kind of iHuman.  Apple makes me happy......buuuut.....I don't get your new gaget, the iPad.  Am I missing something here? It's a giant iPod Touch. A wee bit reminiscent of Zack Morris' cinder block of a cell phone. It seems, chronologically, out of order in the history of electronic devices. It's like a macbook and an iTouch had a toddler. Am I supposed to carry it in my purse? Or maybe it will come with straps, and I can wear it on my back. Will you make giant bedazzled covers for it? Aside from the vast entertainment value of it's name, the genius who dubbed it should loose all lowercase "i" privileges and be banished to the land of PC. Not hating, just stating.
Love You, Regardless. Forever and Always....


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