Trivial Pursuit

The dumbest argument I've ever had involved toilet paper, and who did or didn't change the roll last.

My favorite kitchen utiensil is my knife shaped rubber spatula I got at the dollar store.

I would love to win an unlimited free shopping spree to Sephora. All Hail lip gloss.

If I were a car, I'd be a Karmann Ghia.

When I was young, I got into LOADS of trouble for my grades and lying about where I was.

I LOVE to eat, so I HAVE to exercise.

I'm addicted to flossing.

Sometimes I don't wash my face before I go to bed because I'm too lazy.

I get pissed at my husband if he takes my cold spots in bed. But forgive quickly, cuz  he brings me my coffee every morning....just how I like it.

In my next life I'd like to come back as Hugh Heffner, cuz I just don't get it, and maybe I'll be enlightened.

I like to dip my grilled cheese in ketchup. It's my favorite sandwich.

If I could do something dangerous just once without risk,  I'd sky dive.

If I had to leave this country, I'd choose to live in Australia.

I can recall, like a technicolor dream, begining at the age 3.

If I could be someone else for one day, I'd be Howard Stern, so I could say all the stuff I really wanted without the passive agressive side dish.

I like dark chocolate better than milk.

I listen to Enya SUPER loud when I clean house AND when I work out.

My favorite board game is Mousetrap. Although, I don't recall actually playing the game, rather just setting it up, and watching the little ball go through the course.

I love to laugh. I have to laugh.  This explains my secret crushes on the likes of Vince Vaughn, Jack Black and Zach Galifianakis (aka Fat Jesus).

I think it's better to be clean than organized. This is only because I'm not organized.

On a desert island, I'd HAVE to have lip gloss, music and wine.

I'd rather be cold than hot, but prefer summer to winter.

I prefer diet pepsi to diet coke.

I protest, internally, for dogs when they have to be Darth Vader or a French Maid for Halloween. I think if fido could speak he'd say, "WTF, loca??!! I'm not wearing THAT!"

If money wasn't an issue, I'd either be a meteorologist, or the person who describes the tasting notes of wine......"dark ruby color with a purple edge, displays aromas of black plum, soy sauce, chocolate, rose petals, cedar and black olive."  OH YEAH......

I loved the smell of my horse's nose. Like wet green alfalfa....

I have a love hate relationship with mornings.

I'd rather have seconds at dinner than dessert.

I suck at math, but can remember a sequence of numbers, (i.e. phone numbers) after one look.

I can speak pig latin. Ancay ouyay?

My favorite color in the box of Crayola 64 is orange.

The craziest thing I've eaten is rattle snake. We found it as kids at the place I boarded my horse. A boy who was a friend, killed it. Skinned it. Cooked it... and we ate it. We were 13.

My favorite family tradition is always having a toast. If we all are eating together, no matter how simple the meal, there is always a toast.....breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Sarcasm is my super power. Self righteousness is my kryptonite.

I think Sponge Bob makes some really good points.

I would eat breakfast for dinner everyday if I could.

I'd rather clean every toilet on my block, than fold and put away my own laundry.

The  best meal I prepare is Spaghetti. Homemade sauce that simmers all day with 2 super secret ingredients.

I can never have too many; hugs from my loved ones, flip flops, tubes of lip gloss, that order.

And there you go, weather you wanted to know or not.....


Kekepania said…
wanted it...

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