I Hit Snooze, Again

Do people hibernate? I'm convinced we do. Or I've just decided this is the reason for my wanting to stay under the covers and become a professional snoozer. The fact that I haven't seen the sun in 8 days and it hasn't been balmier than 45º has driven my inner bear-ness. I live in a cloud. Really. This town is officially a cloud. And not a pretty, billowy cumulonimbus cloud. More like a big, heavy, grey, damp blanket of a cloud. Blah.
Wake me when it's spring....


patricia said…
Totally agree! This could also explain why despite my new year's resolution everything I've been eating can be described by the words "high-fat comfort food". I'm simply getting ready for the hibernating to begin!
Jenn said…
Yes!!! The voracious appetite is ridiculous. Lock up the pantry, already!!!! And my current, charming disposition....VERY bear-like. Grrrrr...
Rebecca said…
Jenn - I've been hibernating since November... The extra 5 lbs (ok 10lbs) are my proof. I drop the kids off at school and want to crawl back into bed. Sadly, living in San Diego makes me Move my (large)ass out into the sun for a run or walk... Maybe you have SAD - Sesonal Affective Disorder... you need more sun. Tanning booth please!
Jenn said…
SAD is actually VERY common here.;-) In the winter, my children look like vampires, I look like I just came back from a tropical vacation. All hail the tanning bed!
Kekepania said…
Theres that word again! Cumunolibus? No wait what was it...damn I need to go back to see it again. lol! Happy Slumbers cousin! Wish I could be so lucky! Maybe I should play sick tomorrow?

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